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Yearly Archives: 2022


Should You Rake Grass Clippings or Leave Them?

Leaving them on a lawn that has healthy grass becomes a problem only if they are too thick (that is, the grass was too high when you mowed it) or the lawn is wet: When they are too thick, they mat down. When the lawn is wet, grass clippings stick together (just as it is easier to [...]

What You Can Do with Your Old Chest Freezer

Chest freezers are incredibly convenient for many families, but they have their inconveniences, too. Older models, in particular, are notorious for energy consumption. Plus, they take up a lot of space in your home. When it’s time for you to get rid of your old unit, do you know your options for chest freezer removal? Chest [...]

What To Do With Garage Sale Leftovers

So you put up posters around the neighborhood, created a Facebook event to gather the most people for a garage or a yard sale. You organized neatly to attract prospective buyers. But at the end of the day, you just didn’t quite sell everything you were looking to get rid of. While you’ve thankfully said good [...]

Tips for Growing a Green Lawn

When you look at your neighbor's yard, perhaps you say to yourself, "The grass is always greener on the other side." Well, don't despair. If you check for excessive thatch, give your lawn enough water, and learn how to mow and use lawn fertilizers properly, the grass will be greener on both sides of the fence (and maybe even a [...]

Wildlife Safety Tips: Raccoons

Raccoons are a common sight in many areas–urban, suburban, and rural, but this doesn't mean that they are safe or friendly to humans. In fact, raccoons can be quite dangerous if they get too close. Following are some tips on safety around raccoons: Keeping Raccoons From Coming Too Close If a raccoon approaches too closely, make [...]

Do-It-Yourself Landscaping Tips

There are so many variables in do-it-yourself landscaping, such as budget, skills, the climate of your region, your personal design tastes, how you'll be using your yard, etc., but there are certain steps you can take that are so sound that they readily suggest themselves as answers to this question. Year-Round Interest Here's a can't-miss tip [...]

Essentials for a Backyard BBQ

For the ultimate BBQ this summer, pick up these simple tools to elevate your backyard party. This list of BBQ party essentials will split your planning time in half and allow you time to socialize with your guests and actually enjoy the day. Mark your next backyard BBQ on the calendar and start sending out invites! This checklist will [...]

Cheap and Fun Party Decorating Ideas for Adults

Who doesn’t love a party? Yet the cost of entertaining often stops a party planning session in its tracks, but there are ways to throw a fabulous shindig without breaking the bank. With these fun yet cheap party decorating ideas and inspiring pictures of party decorations, you can be the host with the most and still have money left [...]

How to Remove Bird Poop Stains From Clothes

If the garment is labeled as dry clean only, use the edge of a credit card or plastic knife to scoop away as much of the moist poop as possible. Wet a paper towel with plain water and starting at the outside edge, blot the stain away moving to a clean spot on the towel each time. Do not [...]

How to Wash Gardening Gloves

The most often used tools in the garden are the gardener's hands. To protect them from thorns, chemicals, and the need for daily manicures, we use gardening gloves. There are two questions to ask when choosing gardening gloves. What will you be doing while using the gloves, and do they fit well enough to give your hands flexibility [...]