Many of us stash random stuff in our basements when we can’t think of a better place for them in the main house. This usually leads to piles and piles of miscellaneous items strewn around the basement in no particular order. Performing a basement cleanout just once per year can do wonders in cutting down on this mess. Here’s why a basement cleanout should happen at least once a year.

Cleanouts Benefit Others

As you work, you’ll no doubt find items you no longer want. If they’re still functional, consider donating them to a person in need or a charitable organization. This cuts down on clutter and gives you the rewarding feeling that comes with doing good.

You’ll Rediscover Old Treasures

A lot of things are cast aside and rediscovered through time. Rediscovering these items is like taking a trip down memory lane. Additionally, you can often find items you thought you’d lost while cleaning out your basement. Doing a yearly cleanout means finding these well-loved items sooner. It also means fewer lost belongings and improved organization.

Get it Down to a Routine

Formulate a plan of attack before you begin. This way you can work in chunks without getting overwhelmed. Organize your belongings into three piles: keep, toss/recycle, and give away. Establish a spot for each pile and chip away at the clutter. Or, if you like to work in small chunks of time, designate certain times to tackle specific projects. If this system works, you’re set up for success for next year’s cleanout.

Declutter without Creating Trash

Landfills are full of people’s unwanted junk. Take the green, eco-friendly route by repurposing the old items you find in your basement. Depending on the construction, some items can probably even be recycled. Get creative when you’re sifting through your stuff. You never know what you might be able to reuse, recycle, or give away instead of tossing everything in the trash.