Canva - Summer Cleaning 2

The best part about those hot summer days is the time you get to spend with your family and friends, so try not to over-complicate your summertime cleaning goals and make it an ongoing task. Whether you are looking to get rid of all the extra junk or just want to stay organized, read our tips for an easy and stress-free summer clean out schedule.

Gather all materials needed for summer clean up

  • Warm Water
  • Castile Soap
  • White Vinegar
  • All-purpose Cleaner
  • Oven Cleaner
  • Baking Soda
  • Garden Hose
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Microfiber Cloths
  • Toothbrush Scrubber
  • Glass & Surface Cleaner
  • Toilet Brush
  • Vacuum
  • Leaf Blower
  • Lawn Mower
  • Weed Eater
  • Mop & Bucket
  • Broom & Dustpan

Tackle the room or space most frustrating.

You will get the most satisfaction if you start in the room or space that has the most trouble or problems. That way if you only have a limited amount of time, you have made actual progress.

The living room and kitchen are easily the two most visited rooms and should be cleaned the most regularly. The bedrooms, bathroom and office next on our list of A through C. Next tackle rooms like the garage, basement, laundry room and other storage areas.

Work from left to right, top to bottom. Declutter as you go and repurpose those items. If you don’t have use anymore for an item but it still has more use, place it in your donation bag.