When it’s time to set up commercial trash service for your business, there are a few decisions you’ll need to make aside from which company you’ll work with. The first step is deciding on the location of your commercial dumpster — which depends on the size of the container you select.

Keep in mind that you’ll also need to factor in extra room to accommodate the delivery truck. To help you pick the best location for your dumpster, we’ve outlined the details here.

How Big Is the Average Commercial Dumpster?

First, you need to select a commercial dumpster size. Whether you own a business or oversee a large organization, it’s important to find the right size dumpster to handle your waste stream and fit comfortably on your property.

How Much Room Does the Delivery Truck Need to Maneuver?

After you select a commercial dumpster size, it’s time to pick a location. It’s essential to keep your permanent dumpster clear and accessible at all times. Choose an area free of hanging wires, tree limbs or other obstructions that might block our truck’s access. Also, double-check that your dumpster can be reached by employees and won’t obstruct traffic.

Besides the space needed for the dumpster, you’ll need to allow enough clearance for pickup and delivery.