Even if you only have a half a minute to spare, you can accomplish these important chores. With a busy, over-scheduled life we seldom have extra time to take care of anything. These quick, easy chores will only take a moment of your time.

  • Empty the trash in the bathroom. The small trash cans in our homes can sometimes be overlooked until they are overflowing. Make this chore easier and more quickly accomplished by storing extra liners in the bottom of the trash can. It will only take a moment to wrap up the used liner and open up the new one.
  • Dust the TV screen. The television screen seems to always need a good dusting. Try a used dryer sheet to help keep dust from resettling.
  • Change the vacuum cleaner bag or empty the dirt bin. Whether your vacuum cleaner is a bagless or bagged a vacuum full of dirt puts more wear and tear on your machine. Take a moment and double-check your bag or bin. Remembering to perform regular vacuum cleaner maintenance is essential to keeping your machine running well.
  • Clean a mirror. Try using vinegar and newspaper to clean your mirror. The vinegar will help the mirror dry streak-free. A newspaper will leave less fuzzy residue than paper towels.
  • Clean an appliance. Take a moment and wipe down the outside of your dishwasher, refrigerator, oven, washing machine, or dryer. Don’t forget about the outward appearance of the machines you depend on. Wipe up spots and spills quickly, and your appliances will only need an occasional thorough wipe down.