1. Canva - Home office organization

By setting up a home office, you need to create a space that has an entirely different vibe and function than the rest of your home because of their different mindsets. At home, you’re hanging out but while at work, you’re setting goals and grinding to achieve them.

Since our brain takes cues from our environment, it’s crucial to create a workspace that keeps your productivity up, but also signals as soon as you walk in the door that it’s “go-time,” all while not making you want to run for the hills.

So, to help you set up a distinct home office space that propels you into an inspired workflow, here are three home office organization ideas.

Create a Home Office Essentials List

Before selecting a dedicated home office space, make a list of requirements you need to stay focused and be efficient. This list will help you avoid wasting time on rooms that won’t work in the long run. You may find the current playroom makes a better office than the spare.

Everyone knows a quiet and distraction-free home office is best, but consider all of the nitty-gritty details like the number of electrical outlets your gadgets require, the square feet of your desk(s), what type of lighting you work best in, or if you need to welcome clients.

Decluttering Home Office Space Tips

Now that you know where your new home office set up is going to be and your needs are listed out, it’s time to get to work. Declutter and dispose of things that don’t have a place in the new office like old desks, computers, broken bookcases, and more.

Take it one drawer at a time and make piles for keep, donate, trash, and recycle. Doesn’t work? Repair it or throw it in its pile. Also, if you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo’s philosophy of only keeping what brings you joy, then this might be the last wagon for you to hop on.

When you’re ready to discard the stuff you don’t need but can’t go in the trash, you can drop them off at donation and recycling centers close to your home. Your local county website can give you information on where for tricky things like electronics, batteries, wires, and more.

If you don’t have a big enough car or need help carrying things out, a junk removal company is an easy option that takes the least amount of time and effort, and it’s as straightforward as you think. Professional loaders come to you with a truck to then safely remove and haul away your old office furniture for disposal.

Some companies are eco-friendly and try to donate or recycle items before ending up at a landfill, so consider a green junk removal company when weighing your options.

Use Multipurpose Office Furniture and Accessories

When it comes to creating an effective and attractive organized home office, always think “functional first, beautiful second.” We don’t mean just when you’re shopping, but also when you’re getting rid of stuff from the home office you may already have set up.

Also, Pinterest home offices should be taken with a grain of salt. What is aesthetically pleasing is often completely different than what is practical. That doesn’t mean you have to go with office furniture that’s big, bulky, and like a cubicle. Many brands are creating minimal, modern, and, best of all, practical home office furniture designs.

Here are some office furniture organization ideas to help you do more:

  • Paper shredder: keep paper clutter away at all times
  • Office sofa: designate a decompression corner for breaks
  • Calendars and whiteboards: create a visual daily command center
  • Shelving units: store secondary gear like reference books, journals, and printers
  • Over the door organizers: organize mail and other papers to keep desk space clear
  • Dressers: use smaller boxes inside the drawers to organize office gadgets, utensils, etc.
  • Pegboards: hang primary office supplies like headsets, chargers, baskets for utensils, etc.